Navigating Potential, Creating Leaders

Explore BRYDGES Inc.'s diverse leadership training and enrichment programs. We provide the tools for personal growth, skill development, and cultivating leadership qualities, shaping individuals to make a lasting impact on their communities.

2024-2025 Calendar


Dare to Share Day Conference and Gospel Concert, Spring 2024

Bible Quiz Competition, Fall 2024

Leadership Retreat: Fall 2024

Youth Days: Church Partnership Events (Partner Church determined)


Career Readiness: On-the-Ground Event

Career Exploration Workshop: Tangible ways to get young adults exposed to a variety of careers

Effective ways to grow in an internship and/or a job (Spring 2024)

Career Fair Career Exploration Fair: “Vocational Technical Education” skilled workforce and job readiness vendors – Spring 2024

College Readiness: Virtual

Navigating college as a first- and second-year student—Summer 2024

Maximizing College Access Opportunities: “Panel Discussion, Summer 2024

Financial Aid Seminar I got my college acceptance letter! But can I afford it? “A guide to understanding my college award letter, loans, grants, and scholarships (Spring 2024)

End of Summer Event: Summer Back to School/College Event! (scholarship, care packages, bag pack)


Global Leadership Summit Conference: Summer 2024

Leader Empowerment Sessions (Global Leadership Curriculum): Bimonthly

Advance Leadership Intensive Partnership: Fall – Spring

Let's Shape Tomorrow Together

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